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funkcjonalność, sprawność
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2[u] the purpose that sth is designed for Manufacturing processes may be affected by the functionality of the product. ▶ funkcjonalność 3 [c, u] the functions that a electronic system can perform with additional functionality ▶ funkcja
functionality /ˌfʌŋkʃəˈnæləti; US / noun (pl. functionalities) 1[uncountable] the quality in sth of being very suitable for the purpose it was designed for ▶ funkcjonalność sprawność
klawisz funkcyjny
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function key
ˈfunction key noun [countable] one of several keys on a computer, each marked with ‘ F’ and a number, that can be used to perform a particular operation ▶ klawisz funkcyjny
fundusz, fundusze,
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fund, funds,
2(funds) [pl.] money that is available and can be spent The government is making funds available to help pay for the storm damage. The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine. ▶ fundusze środki
fund1 /fʌnd; US / noun 1 [countable] a sum of money that is collected for a particular purpose They contributed £ 30 to the disaster relief fund. ▶ fundusz
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fund2 /fʌnd; US / verb [transitive] to provide a project, school, charity, etc. with money The Channel Tunnel is not funded by government money. ▶ fundować dostarczać środki
zasadniczy, podstawowy
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□ fundamentally /-təli; US / adv. The government’s policy on this issue has changed fundamentally. ▶ zasadniczo fundamentals /ˌfʌndəˈmentlz; US / noun [pl.] basic facts or principles ▶ podstawy zasady
fundamental /ˌfʌndəˈmentl; US / adj. basic and important; from which everything else develops There will be fundamental changes in the way the school is run. There is a fundamental difference between your opinion and mine. ▶ zasadniczy podstawowy
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□ fundamentalist /-ɪst; US / noun [countable] ▶ fundamentalist(k)a —fundamentalist /-ɪst; US / adj. ▶ fundamentalistyczny
/ˌfʌndəˈmentəlɪzəm / noun [u] 1 the practice of following very strictly the basic rules and teachings of any religion ▶ fundamentalizm 2 (in Christianity) the belief that everything that is written in the Bible is completely true ▶ fundamentalizm
kwestarz, osoba gromadząca fundusze
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fundraiser, fundraiser
□ fund-raising /; US / noun [uncountable] fund-raising events ▶ gromadzenie funduszy kwesta kwestowanie
ˈfund-raiser noun [countable] a person whose job is to find ways of collecting money for a charity or an organization ▶ osoba gromadząca fundusze kwestarz
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a funeral
funeral /ˈfju: nərəl; US / noun [countable] a ceremony (usually religious) for burying or burning a dead person The funeral will be held next week. ▶ pogrzeb
zakład pogrzebowy
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funeral parlour
ˈfuneral parlour (US ˈfuneral parlor, mortuary, especially US ˈfuneral home) noun [countable] a place where dead people are prepared for being buried or cremated and where visitors can see the body ▶ dom/zakład pogrzebowy
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fungus fungi
□ fungal /ˈfʌŋɡl; US / adj. a fungal disease/infection/growth ▶ grzyb(k)owy
fungus /ˈfʌŋɡəs; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. fungi /ˈfʌŋɡi:; US -ɡaɪ; US / or funguses) a plant without leaves, flowers or green colouring, such as a mushroom, or that is like a wet powder and grows on old wood ▶ grzyb
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fungicide /ˈfʌnɡɪsaɪd; US ˈfʌndʒɪ-; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a substance that killsfungus ▶ środek grzybobójczy fungicyd
lubiący dobrą zabawę
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ˈfun-loving adj. (used about people) liking to enjoy themselves ▶ lubiący dobrą zabawę
lejek, komin
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funnel, chimney
funnel /ˈfʌnl; US / noun [c] 1 an object that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, used for pouring liquid, powder, etc. into a small opening ▶ lejek 2 the metal pipe which takes smoke or steam out of a ship, an engine, etc. ▶ komin
śmieszny, zabawny
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funny, funny
2 strange or unusual; difficult to explain Oh dear, the engine is making a funny noise. It’s funny how English people never talk on trains. What a funny little cottage! That’s funny – he was here a moment ago and now he’s gone. ▶ dziwny niesamowity
funny /ˈfʌni; US / adj. (funnier; funniest) 1 that makes you smile or laugh a funny story He’s an extremely funny person. That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in ages! ‘ What’s so funny?’ she demanded. ▶ śmieszny zabawny
futro, sierść
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2 [countable, uncountable] the skin and hair of an animal that is used for making clothes, etc.; a piece of clothing that is made from this a fur coat women dressed in furs. ▶ futro
fur /fɜ:(r); US / noun 1 [uncountable] the soft thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals ▶ futro sierść
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□ furiously /; US / adv. ▶ wściekle zaciekle
furious /ˈfjʊəriəs/ adj. 1 furious (with sb); furious (at sth) very angry He was furious with her for losing the car keys. He was furious at having to catch the train home. ▶ wściekły They had a furious argument. ▶ zaciekły
piec, kocioł
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furnace /ˈfɜ: nɪs; US / noun [countable] a large, very hot fire surrounded on all sides by walls that is used for melting metal, burning rubbish, etc. ▶ piec kocioł
meblować, umeblowany
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furnish, furnished
furnish /ˈfɜ: nɪʃ; US / verb [transitive] to put furniture in a room, house, etc. The room was comfortably furnished. ▶ meblować □ furnished /; US / adj. She’s renting a furnished room in Birmingham. ▶ umeblowany
wyposażenie wnętrzna
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furnishings /ˈfɜ: nɪʃɪŋz; US / noun [pl.] the furniture, carpets, curtains, etc. in a room, house, etc. ▶ wyposażenie wnętrza
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Uwaga! Furniture jest rzeczownikiem niepoliczalnym: They only got married recently and they haven’t got much furniture. Kiedy chodzi o pojedynczy mebel, mówi się a piece of furniture: The only nice piece of furniture in the room was an antique desk.
furniture /ˈfɜ: nɪtʃə(r); US / noun [uncountable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW the things that can be moved, for example tables, chairs, beds, etc. in a room, house or office modern/antique/second-hand furniture garden/office furniture ▶ meble
wrzawa, zamieszanie
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His novel about Jesus caused a furore among Christians. the recent furore over the tax increases ▶ wrzawa zamieszanie
furore /fjuˈrɔ: ri; ˈfjʊərɔ:(r); US ˈfjʊər- / (especially US furor /ˈfjʊərɔ:(r); US /) noun [sing.] furore (about/over sth) great anger or excitement shown by a number of people, usually caused by a public event
bruzda, zmarszczka
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furrow, wrinkle
furrow /ˈfʌrəʊ; US ˈfɜ: r- / noun [countable] 1 a line in a field that is made for planting seeds in by a plough ▶ bruzda 2 a deep line in the skin on sb’s face ▶ zmarszczka ⇨ look at wrinkle
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furry /ˈfɜ: ri; US / adj. (furrier; furriest) having fur a small furry animal ▶ futrzany puszysty
dalszy, dalej
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2 more; additional Are there any further questions? I have nothing further to say on the subject. Please let us know if you require any further information. The museum is closed until further notice (do odwołania). ▶ dodatkowy dalszy
further1 /ˈfɜ:ðə(r); US / adj 1[the comparative of far] more distant or far; farther Which is further – Glasgow or Edinburgh? ▶ dalszy dalej
więcej, dalej
We need a further week to finish the job.
Zarówno further jak i farther mogą być stosowane w odniesieniu do odległości: Bristol is further/farther from London than Oxford is. • I jumped further/farther than you did. W pozostałych znaczeniach stosuje się jedynie further:
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2 more; to a greater degree Can I have time to consider the matter further? ▶ w większym stopniu dokładniej
□ further adv. 1 at or to a greater distance in time or space; farther It is not safe to go any further. The hospital is further down the road on the left. I can’t remember any further back than 1970. ▶ dalej więcej
kursy dla absolwentów szkół średnich
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further education
ˌfurther eduˈcation noun [uncountable] (abbr. FE /ˌef ˈi:; US /) (Brit.) education for people who have left school (but not at a university) ▶ kursy dla absolwentów szkół średnich ⇨ look at higher education
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furthermore /ˌfɜ:ðəˈmɔ:(r); US / adv. also; in addition We are donating £ 6 million to the disaster fund. Furthermore, we shall send medical supplies immediately. ▶ ponadto
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furthermost /ˈfɜ:ðəməʊst; US / adj. (formal) located at the greatest distance from sth at the furthermost end of the street ▶ najdalszy najbardziej oddalony
wściekłość, furia
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fury /ˈfjʊəri; US / noun [uncountable] very great anger She was speechless with fury. ▶ wściekłość furia
bezpiecznik, zapalnik, lont
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fuse, fuse, fuse
2 a piece of rope, string, etc. or a device that is used to make a bomb, etc. explode at a particular time ▶ lont 3 a device that makes a bomb etc. explode at a particular time ▶ zapalnik
fuse1 /fju: z / [c] 1 a small piece of wire in an electrical system, machine, This stops the flow of electricity. A fuse has blown – that’s why the house is in darkness. That plug needs a 15 amp fuse. Do you know how to change a fuse? ▶ bezpiecznik
stapiać się przepalać
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2 to stop working because a fuse1 (1) has melted; to make a piece of electrical equipment do this The lights have fused. I’ve fused the lights. ▶ przepalać (się)
/fju:z / verb [i, t] 1 (used about two things) to join together to become one; to make two things do this As they heal, the bones will fuse together (zrosną się). The two companies have been fused into one large organization. ▶ stapiać łączyć się
skrzynka bezpiecznikowa
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fuse box
ˈfuse box noun [countable] a small box or cupboard that contains thefuses of the electrical system of a building ▶ skrzynka bezpiecznikowa
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fusion /ˈfju:ʒn; US / noun [uncountable, sing.] the process or the result of joining different things together to form one the fusion of two political systems ▶ fuzja zlewanie się
zamieszanie, awantura
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2[sing.] anger or complaints about sth, especially sth that is not important There will be a dreadful fuss if my parents find out that I borrowed the car. ▶ awantura
fuss1 /fʌs; US / noun 1 [sing., uncountable] unnecessary nervous excitement or activity Now get on with your work without making a fuss. What’s all the fuss about? ▶ zamieszanie
zbytnio się przejmować
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2 to be worried or excited about small things Stop fussing. We’re not going to be late. ▶ przejmować się drobiazgami
fuss2 /fʌs; US / verb [intransitive] 1fuss (over sb/sth) to pay too much attention to sb/sth Stop fussing over all the details. ▶ zbytnio przejmować się
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2 having too much detail or decoration I don’t like that pattern. It’s too fussy. ▶ przeładowany
fussy /ˈfʌsi; US / adj. (fussier; fussiest) 1fussy (about sth) (used about people) giving too much attention to small details and therefore difficult to please He is very fussy about food. ▶ wybredny ⇨ look at particular, picky
daremny, bezskuteczny
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futile, futility
□ futility /fju:ˈtɪləti; US / noun [uncountable] the futility of war ▶ daremność bezskuteczność bezcelowość
futile /ˈfju: taɪl; US -tl / adj. (used about an action) having no success; useless They made a last futile attempt to make him change his mind. ▶ daremny bezskuteczny bezowocny
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2[countable] what will happen to sb/sth in the time after the present Our children’s futures depend on a good education. The company’s future does not look very hopeful. The future of the local school is still undecided. ▶ przyszłość
future /ˈfju: tʃə(r)/ noun 1(the future) [sing.] the time that will come after the present Who knows what will happen in the future? in the near/distant future What are your plans for the immediate future (na najbliższą przyszłość)? ▶ przyszłość
przyszłość, czas przyszły
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future, future
3[uncountable] the possibility of being successful I could see no future in this country so I left to work abroad. ▶ przyszłość 4 (the future (tense)) [sing.] the form of a verb that expresses what will happen after the present ▶ czas przyszły
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□ future adj. [only before a noun] She met her future husband when she was still at school. You can keep that book for future reference (żeby z niej korzystać w przyszłości). What are your future plans (plany na przyszłość)? ▶ przyszły
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futuristic adj. extremely modern and unusual in appearance, as if belonging to a future time; imagining what the future will be like a futuristic novel/movie ▶ futurystyczny
niewyraźny, zamazany
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fuzzy /ˈfʌzi; US / adj. (fuzzier; fuzziest) not clear The photo was a bit fuzzy but I could just make out my mother in it. ▶ niewyraźny zamazany

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