Słow. - Prepositions of Place

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prepositions of place
Wazon jest na stole
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The vase is on the table
Siedzi na krześle
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He is sitting on a chair
To jest po lewej
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It is on the left
To jest na parterze
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It is on the ground floor
Kot jest pod stołem
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The cat is under the table
Tom jest przed Paulem
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Tom is in front of Paul
Paul jest za Tomem
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Paul is behind Tom
Fotel jest obok kominka
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The armchair is next to / beside the fireplace
Lampa jest blisko kominka
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The lamp is near the fireplace
On stoi przy drzwiach
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He's standing at the door
On jest w szkole
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He is at school
On jest na uniwersytecie
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He's at university
On jest w collegu
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He's at college
Jestem w pracy
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I'm at work
Jestem w domu
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I'm at home
To jest na górze strony
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This is at the top of the page
To jest na dole strony
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It's at the bottom of the page
Mój dom jest pod adresem 20, Oxford Street
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My house is at 20, Oxford Street
On siedzi w fotelu
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He is sitting in an armchair
w środku
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in the middle
w powietrzu
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in the air
w niebie
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in the sky
w łóżku
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in bed
w szpitalu
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in hospital
w więzieniu
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in prison
w gazecie / magazynie
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in the newspaper/magazine
na obrazku
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in the picture
w Londynie
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in London
w Angli
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in England
w Europie
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in Europe
Mój dom jest na Oxford Street
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My house is in Oxford Street
Ten dom jest między bankiem a pocztą
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This house is between the bank and the post office
Nauczyciel stoi pośród uczniów
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The teacher stands among the students

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