Słow. - Age

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a child
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a teenager
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a generation
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an adult
w średnim wieku
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Ona ma 8 lat
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She is 8 years old / She is 8
Ona ma 18 miesięcy
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She is 18 months old
On na 20 lat
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He's 20 years old / He's 20
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małe dziecko
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On jest w swoich wczesnych latach 40
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He is in his early 40s
dość stary
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fairly elderly
On jest w swoich średnich latach 40
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He is in his mid 40s
On jest w średnim wieku
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He is middle-aged
On jest w swoich późnych latach 40
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He is in his late 40s
starzy ludzie (grzecznie)
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elderly people
Dwu letni chłopiec
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Two-year-old boy
Dwu miesięczne dziecko
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Two month old baby
w takim samym wieku
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at the same age
kiedy byłem w twoim wieku
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when i was your age
ludzie wszystkich wieków
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people of all ages
kiedy osiągniesz mój wiek
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when you get to my age
w wieku 40 lat
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at the age of 40
nie wyglądasz na swój wiek
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you don't look your age
dziecko w jego wieku
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a child his age
w twoim wieku
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at your age
różnica wieku
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age difference
luka pokoleniowa
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generation gap
młodsze pokolenie
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younger generation
moje pokolenie
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my generation
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mature / grown-up
nie nauczysz starego psa nowych sztuczek
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you can't teach an old dog new tricks
ona jest po złej stronie 40
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she's the wrong side of 40
być za połową życia
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to be over the hill

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