skróty 4

 0    20 fiche    zbigniew2kulbat
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question réponse
czy lubisz, smakuje
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do you like
na skrzyżowaniu
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at the crossroads
raz w tygodniu
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once a week
czas wolny
Co zazwyczaj robisz w czasie wolnym?
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free time
What do you usually do in your free time?
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turn on
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turn off
zostać kimś
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Moja ciocia dorastała w Szkocji.
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grow up
My aunt grew up in Scotland.
któregoś dnia
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some day
pewnego dnia
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one day
właśnie teraz
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right now
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these days
Noś długopis
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Carrie a pen
nosić okulary
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wear glasses
u fryzjera
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at the hairdresser
wybacz mi na moment
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excuse me for a moment
coś jeszcze
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something, anything else
twarde ciastko
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tough cookie
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przez coś
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