Should i have to Rocco

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question réponse
Powinienieś uczyć się więcej
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You should study more
Ona powinna się ogolić
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She should shave
Powinienem iść do domu?
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Should I go home?
Co powinienem zrobić?
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What should I do?
Gdzie powinienem iść?
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Where should I go?
Nie powinieneś palić.
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You shouldn't smoke.
Musisz wyrzucić śmieci.
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You have to take out the trash.
On musi chodzić do szkoły.
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He has to go to school.
Czy ty musisz pojechać do USA?
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Do you have to go to the USA?
Czy on musi robić zadanie?
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Does he have to do homework?
Co on musi ubrać?
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What does he have to wear?
Gdzie musisz pójść?
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Where do you have to go?
Ja nie muszę iść do pracy.
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I don't have to go to work.
On nie musi jeść.
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He does not have to eat.

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