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historia / opowieść / opowiadanie opowiedzieć historię commencer à apprendre
to tell a story (don't say: tell a history)
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We were able to publish this story.
drapieżnik / sęp (osoba szukająca okazji, aby dostać coś od kogoś) commencer à apprendre
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On skrzywdził wiele kobiet. commencer à apprendre
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Kiedyś pracowałam w Warszawie. commencer à apprendre
I used to work in Warsaw. (NiV)
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Ty kiedś pracowałaś dla... commencer à apprendre
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to worry about sth / to worry that... to worry - worried - worried
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to suffer - suffered - suffered
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udzielać wypowiedzi, która zostanie zapisana commencer à apprendre
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The greatest fear I had was...
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We had to back these women up.
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We believe in the power of journalism.
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krzywda / zło / przestępstwo commencer à apprendre
To help shed light on wrongdoing.
justice (NiV) commencer à apprendre
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It's time to sleep. (NiV)
spodziewać się, oczekiwać Spodziewam się najgorszego. commencer à apprendre
I anticipate the worst. (NiV)
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commencer à apprendre
a word in a Twitter message with # in front of it, which indicates what the message is about. People can search for hashtags in order to find messages about a particular subject.
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