Set 2 A Rocket from the Bottle - Rakieta z butelki

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a rocket
plastikowa butelka
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a plastic bottle
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a string
taśma klejaca
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sticky tape
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a lighter
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a stand
Zbuduj stojak na butelkę
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Build a bottle stand
Nalej trochę denaturatu do butelki
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Pour some denaturant into the bottle
Silnie potrząśnij butelką
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Shake the bottle strongly
Wylewamy denaturat
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Pour denaturant out
Zrób dziurkę w korku od butelki
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We make a hole in the bottle cork
Umieszczamy butelkę w stojaku do gory nogami
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Place the bottle in the stand upside down
Przystaw zapalniczkę do otworu
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Put the lighter near the hole
Zaobserwowałem, że...
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I observed that .......
Dostrzegłem, że...
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I noticed that...
Butelka wystartowała jak rakieta
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The bottle took off like a rocket
Potrząśnij butelkę
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Shake the bottle
Butelka była jak rakieta
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The bottle was like a rocket

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