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I couldn’t see them through the foliage. Green foliage is needed even in urban areas. There was no place to run away, so he hid in the foliage.
zejście na ziemię, zderzenie z rzeczywistością commencer à apprendre
Coming back to work after holidays was a reality check. Somebody should give you a reality check. It’s time for a reality check: we haven’t got enough money.
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You can drink your tea now. It’s already lukewarm. Disolve some honey in a glass of lukewarm milk. Nobody ever got burnt by lukewarm water.
zniechęcający, zbyt wyzywający commencer à apprendre
Daunting tasks often make people procrastinate. If it had been daunting, I wouldn’t have even started. How do you deal with daunting problems.
przypadać, wypadać (o dacie, wydarzeniu) commencer à apprendre
My birthday falls on Saturday. New Years Eve always falls on 31st December. Last Year Easter fell late.
poleżeć sobie w łóżku, wylegiwać się, późno wstać commencer à apprendre
We always have a lie-in on Christmas Day. I haven’t had a lie-in since my child was born. Do you usually have a lie-in on your days off?
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You can use either fresh or dry yeast. I will never forget the taste of my grandma’s yeast cake. Do you need yeast to make bread?
data wydarzenia sportowego commencer à apprendre
What are the football fixtures for the next season? Where can I find fixtures and results of tennis tournaments? In the past, Christmas Day used to be a traditional festive fixture.
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What is the flagship product od the company you work for? The flagship store of my favourite brand is located in Warsaw. Flagship mobile phones are usually terribly expensive, but not always of the best quality.
usunąć kogoś z listy znajomych commencer à apprendre
I’ve unfriend my ex-boyfriend and I feel much better now. Unfriending people you don’t like is so childlish. How will I unfriend her on instagram?
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People often pull an all-nighter on New Year’s Eve. I pulled an all-nighter because of my baby stomach’s pain. If you’re a teacher, pulling an all-nighter is nothing unusual.
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I think claret is the most elegant of all colours. Have you seen my claret dress? If you want to make your room cosy, paint one wall claret.
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My grandma has a countless amount of knick-knacks at home. I don’t keep any knick-knacks on my shelves, because they only collect dust. Is the box full of old knick-knacks still in the attic?
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Has he got green or hazel eyes? She always wanted to have hazel eyes, so she started wearing colour changing lenses. Megan has got beautiful hazel eyes, just like her mother.
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Sprinkle some raisins on the cake before putting it into the oven. Sue sprinkled pancakes with chocolate chips. Do you sprinkle some salt on bread before baking?
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If you’re nimble, you have more chance to become a successful athlete. Being a nimble dancer, she wins almost all the contests that she takes part in. I wish I was slim and nimble instead of being fat and clumsy.
pyszny, wciągający (o jedzeniu) commencer à apprendre
Susan baked moreish cupcakes, so I couldn’t stop eating them. It’s so hard to resist those moreish crisps. This is the best pasta I’ve ever eaten, it’s absolutely moreish.
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My husband is a real movie bug, he goes to the cinema every weekend and enjoys watching films alone. Movie bugs often have an unlimited pass to the cinema. I’ve never been a movie bug, I prefer reading books.
być podobnym do kogoś / przypominać kogoś/ wdać się w kogoś commencer à apprendre
Who do you take after more, your father or your mother? John takes after his father in all possible aspects. If about personality, Amanda doesn’t take after her mother, she is more like her aunt Mary.
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The smothie is good, but it leaves a bitter aftertaste. The aftertaste of the medicine was unpleasant. I don’t want to get rid of the sweet aftertaste the chocolate leaves.
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preliminary /prɪˈlɪm.ɪ.nər.i/ Preliminary research has been already conducted by second-year students. Where will I find the preliminary audition results? The boss told us that he wants to see at least the preliminary report on his desk tomorrow morning.
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Don’t put on that bobbly sweater, it doesn’t look good anymore. Despite being old and bobbly, it’s still my favourite scarf. How can I fix bobbly clothes?
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Cats often prick up their ears to hear distant sounds. Prick up your ears to hear what they are saying. Why is the dog pricking up its ears?