september 24 VAN

 0    14 fiche    karoltrebula
Télécharger mP3 Imprimer jouer consultez
question réponse
No te lo pierdes
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don't miss it
el enchufe
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the plug (wtyczka)
¿Dónde puedo enchufar mi cargador?
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Where can I plug in my charger?
la toma de corriente
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the power outlet
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extension cord
al vino, vino; al pan, pan
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call wine, wine; call bread, bread
la indemnización
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La reparación es gratuita siempre y cuando el producto esté en garantía.
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The repair is free as long as the product is under warranty.
siempre que
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provided that
a menudo
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Vamos para allá.
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Let's go there.
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watering can
una escala de tres horas
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a three-hour stopover

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