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question réponse
Can you repeat that?
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Vil du gentage det?
What do you say?
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Hvad siger du?
Can you speak more slowly?
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Kan du tale langsommere?
I do not know.
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Det ved jeg ikke.
I can not remember.
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Det kan jeg ikke huske.
What are they talking about?
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Hvad snakker de om?
What is your favorite food?
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Hvad er din livret?
What can you not stand?
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Hvad kan du ikke fordrage?
What a surprise!
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Sikke en overaskelse!
She starts work at 8 o'clock.
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Hun møder klokken 8.
She gets time off at 4 p.m.
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Hun får fri klokken 4.
She is bored at her job.
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Hun keder sig på sit job.
Once every two weeks.
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Et gang hver anden uge.
How do you spell it?
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Hvordan staver du det?
I have just got fired.
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Jeg er lige blevet fyret.
It is false.
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Det er forkert.
It was love with the first sight.
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Det var kærlighed ved første blik.
to finish
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at afslutte

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