Selling a new business idea to an investor

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question réponse
business meeting at the office
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spotkanie biznesowe w biurze
sharing business ideas
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dzielenie się pomysłami biznesowymi
projecting the gross and net income
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prognozowanie dochodu brutto i netto
make a presentation
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Zrobić prezentację
looking for an investor with "deep pockets"
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szukam inwestora z "głębokimi kieszeniami"
high risk business
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biznes wysokiego ryzyka
low risk business
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biznes o niskim ryzyku
investing in new facilities
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inwestowanie w nowe obiekty
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buying the equipment
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zakup sprzętu
leasing the equipment
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leasing sprzętu
training the staff
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szkolenie personelu
consulting expenses
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wydatki na doradztwo
travelling expenses
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wydatki podróżne
company car
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samochód służbowy
gas expenses covered by the company
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koszty gazu pokrywane przez spółkę
hiring sales reps
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zatrudnianie przedstawicieli handlowych
regional managers
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menadżerowie regionalni
growing the business over the next 5 years
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rozwój firmy w ciągu najbliższych 5 lat
expanding the company
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rozbudowę firmy
looking for new opportunities
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szukać nowych możliwości
new territories
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nowe terytoria
marketing strategy
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strategia marketingowa
costs of advertising
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koszty reklamy
tax breaks
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ulgi podatkowe
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