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question English réponse English
teacher's desk
commencer à apprendre
If there are extra handouts, please put on the teacher's desk.
notice board
commencer à apprendre
Pay attention to the notice board, please.
ball point pen
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OK, take out your red ball point. Check your answer.
colored pencils
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Ok, please bring your colored pencils in the next class.
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Ok, use your marker and hilight it.
teacher's room
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If you have questions about English, please feel free to come to the teacher's room after school.
nurse's room
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Do you feel sick? You should go to the nurse's room. OK, tanaka, can you go with him?
school playground / playground
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Who's still in the playground?
science lab
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Are you going to the science lab.
music room
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Sorry, I left my pencase in the music room.
art room
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How long does it take to get the art room from here?
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