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prejudiced (uprzedzony) in favor of a particular party, typically a political one
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przebłagać; to pacify (uspokoić) with conciliatory (pojednawczymi) gestures
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precedens; a previous occurrence (zdarzenie) that is used as an example, particularly in a legal context
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rozpowszechniony; abundant (obfite) and widespread in a particular area
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skłonność; a natural inclination (skłonność) to behave a certain way
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quarrelsome (kłótliwy); prone (skłonny) to fighting
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zakwalifikować; to moderate (złagodzić) a statement to make it less extreme:
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to respond to an accusation (oskarżenie) by asserting (twierdząc) or proving it false
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oporny; stubbornly uncooperative
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obalić; to prove something false
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niezachwiany, obowiązkowy
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retoryka; the art of persuasion(przekonywania) through language; language that is persuasive but insincere (nieszczery) or meaningless
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zwodniczy; seemingly plausible (pozornie prawdopodobny), but actually incorrect
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niezłomny; dutifully firm (posłusznie stanowczy) and unwavering (niezachwiany)
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annoyingly loud and harsh (szorstki), particularly when presenting a point of view
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flimsy (słaby); very weak or slight (nieznaczne) (esp. pertaining (odnoszące się) to a link, argument, or relationship)
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a long, angry, and critical speech
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wykonalny; capable of working successfully
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bronić; to clear (oczyścić się) of blame or suspicion
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a fanatic; one who is uncompromising and vehement (energiczny) in pursuing (w dążeniu) ideals
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a committed (oddany) enemy or opponent
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niechętny; having a strong dislike
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to scold (skarcić) angrily
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anuproar (zgiełk), usually from a crowd showing disapproval
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to intrude (wtargnąć) on a territory or domain
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wyobcowany; no longer emotionally close to someone; alienated
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unikać; to escape or avoid, usually through clever means (środków)
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(literally a "breaker of icons") one who attacks cherished beliefs (cenione wierzenia)
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oburzony; angered by unjust (niesprawiedliwe) treatment
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podżegać; bring about (doprowadzić) or initiate (an action or event)
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to speak harmful untruths about
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indywidualista; a person who thinks independently
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one who dislikes and avoids humans
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żal; deep-seated resentment (zakożeniona uraza)
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nagana; to express sharp (ostrą) and stern (surową) disapproval for someone's actions
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odstąpić; to give up or put aside publicly
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naganny; zasługujący na potępienie
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