What did you do, stick pins in a voodoo doll? commencer à apprendre
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But, yes, if anyone messes with you again, you'll have a recognized, legitimate sisterhood backing you up. commencer à apprendre
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Rosalind came up with it. commencer à apprendre
And the more girls who join, the harder we'll be to silence. commencer à apprendre
uciszyć, zmusić do milczenia
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Especially if this club gives you the peace of mind you're so clearly craving. commencer à apprendre
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It'll help. At least on this one front. commencer à apprendre
Is there something else bothering you? Weighing on you? commencer à apprendre
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Mind you, not that I want to see my prize pupil vanishing on me. commencer à apprendre
I've noticed how enamored you are with Mr. Kinkle. commencer à apprendre
It's proving difficult to untangle myself from that. and see if we can't untangle this Gordian knot together? commencer à apprendre
this merits further discussion. commencer à apprendre
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Except I poked it, and... Oh, that doesn't bleed. commencer à apprendre
Or it's simply that his blood started to settle in his buttocks. commencer à apprendre
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Hey, I should probably get a pumpkin for my stoop in case we get any trick-or-treaters. commencer à apprendre
raczyć, garbić się, nachylić się weranda
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