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neat and tidy
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Przejdź przez ulicę
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cross the street
Widzieliśmy ich jak przychodzili.
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We saw them coming.
widzieliśmy jak wchodzili
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saw them entering
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kurs wymiany walut
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exchange rate
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splacic kredyt
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repay the loan
zasilić konto, doładować telefon
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top up account, top up your phone
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namowila mnie
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persuaded me
wynik, rezultat
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zrzędliwa osoba
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grumpy person
odsłaniać, odkrywać
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jest uważany
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is considered
jest powszechnie znana
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is commonly known
zazdrosny o kogoś
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jealous of someone
wydawać pieniądze na coś
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to spend money on something
zostać na noc
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stay for the night
gniewasz się na mnie?
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are you angry with me
rozczarowany mną
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disappointed with me
rozczarowany czymś
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disappointed in something
Zadowolony z tego
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Happy with that
przepraszam za
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sorry about
wyjechał do hiszpanii
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he left for Spain
w porównaniu z innymi krajami
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compared with other countries
tracić pieniądze na ciuchy
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wasting money on clothes
Jestem tym znudzony
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I'm bored with this
plaża była zatłoczona l
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the beach was crowded with people

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