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Dowiedzmy się.
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Let's find out.
Mam pomysł.
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I have an idea.
Ja też nie.
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Neither have I.
Nie jestem pewny.
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I'm not sure.
A może...?
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What about...?
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Zaraz zobaczę.
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Let me see.
To na początek.
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It's a start.
Ale porażka!
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What a disaster!
O rety!
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Oh dear!
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Of course!
Do zobaczenia.
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See you then.
O której godzinie?
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What time?
Tak, w porządku.
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Yes, that's fine.
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Come on.
Jesteśmy spóźnieni!
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We are late!
To prawda.
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It's true.
W czym jest problem?
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What's the problem?
Aha, dobrze.
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Oh, good.
Zawsze to mówisz.
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You always say that.
Mam nadzieję, że masz rację.
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I hope you're right.
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I know.
Dobry pomysł.
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A good idea.
Podaj paczkę.
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Pass the parcel.
Nie rozumiem.
commencer à apprendre
I don't understand.

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