rozmowa z drugą osoba

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question réponse
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have you got a minute
chcialabym z toba porozmawiac o
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i wanted to talk to you about
mam na mysli
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I mean
dobry pomysl
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that’s a good idea
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nie jestem pewny
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I'm not sure
sama nie wiem
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I do not know
chodzi mi o to ze
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what I mean is
a gdyby tak
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how about
dobrze a czemu nie
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okay why not
ale co jesli
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but what if
dobrze zrobmy tak
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ok let’s do that
a moze bys
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why don’t you
czy powinnam
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should I
to jest w porządku dla mnie
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this is fine by me/ i don’t mind
naprawde? nie jestem pewny czy
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really? I'm not sure that
a moze bysmy
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why don’t we
sadze ze dobrym pomyslem jest
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i think its a good idea to
na poczatek
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for a start
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good thinking
na twoim miejscu
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if I were you
nie wydaje mi sie ze ro jest dobry pomysl
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I don't think that’s a good idea
co wiecej
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what’s more
mysle ze powinienes
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I think you should
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we could
co mi robisz
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what’s your advice?
najlepiej bedzie jesli
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the best thing to do is
mam pomysl
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here is an idea
dobrze mo to odpowiada
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ok that suits me
czy mozemy porozmawiac o
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can we talk about
chodzilo mi o to ze
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what i meant was
co twoim zdaniem powinnienem zrobic
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what do you think i should do
myslisz ze ... to dobry pomysl
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do you think it's a good idea to
musimy omowic
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we have to discuss
czy mógłbyś mi dać jakąś radę
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could you give me some advice

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