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question réponse
przepraszam, moglaby Pani powtorzyc?
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excuse me, could you repeat that, pleas
przepraszam, nie uslyszalam.
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I'm sorry, I didn't catch that
porozmawiamy o...
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shall will talk about...?
czy moglaby Pani powiedziec, co to znaczy?
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Could you tell me what that means?
nie jestem pewna czy rozumiem
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I'm not sure I understand
czy ma Pani na mysli...?
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do you mean...?
dobre pytanie
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that’s a good question
to trudne pytanie
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that’s quite a tough question
niech pomysle...
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let me see...
przypuszczam, ze...
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I suppose...
niech sie zastnowie nad tym przez chwile
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Let me think about that for a moment
trudno powiedziec
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it’s hard to say, really
chodzi mi o to, ze...
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what i mean is...
chce powiedziec, ze...
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what i’m trying to say is...
ujme to w inny sposob
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let me put it another way
innymi slowami
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in other words
na poczatek...
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for a start...
przede wszystkim...
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first of all...
ponadto/co wiecej...
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what’s more...
mozesz mi cos doradzic?
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could you give me some advice?
myslisz, ze to dobry pomysl zeby...
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Do you think it's a good idea to...
na twoim miejscu zrobilabym/nie robilabym...
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if I were you, i’d/i wouldn’t
mysle, ze nie powinnas...
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I don’t think you should
sadze, ze dobrym pomyslem jest...
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I think it's a good idea to...
a moze bysmy...?
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why don’t we...?
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good thinking
dobrze, tak zrobmy
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okay, let's do that
to brzmi dobrze
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That sounds great
nie jestem pewna
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I'm not sure
nie jestem przekonana
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I’m not convinced
to nie jest zbyt realistyczne/rozsadne, prawda?
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that's not very realistic/sensible, is it?
a moze zamiast tego...?
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why don’t we... instead?
mam lepszy pomysl
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here’s a better idea
moglbys/powinienes wziac pod uwage...
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you could/should consider...
tez tak sadze
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I think so, too
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przykro mi, ale nie zgadzam sie
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I'm sorry, but I disagree
rozumiem twoj punkt widzenia, ale...
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I take your point, but...
czy mozesz mi powiedziec, (gdzie jest kasa)?
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Can you tell me (where the ticket office is)?
czy bedzie ci przeszkadzalo, jesli...?
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do you mind if i...?
oczywiscie, prosze
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sure, go ahead
nie mam nic przeciwko
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no, i don’t mind
potrzebujesz pomocy?
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do you need any help?
czy moge ci jakos pomoc?
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shall i help you?
pozwol, ze ci pomoge
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let me help you
tak, poprosze. dziekuje
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Yes, please. Thank you
dziekuje, poradze sobie
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Thank you, I’m fine
zrobilbys cos dla mnie?
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would you do something for me?
z przyjemnoscia
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with pleasure
chcialabym, ale...
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i’d love to, but...
obawiam sie, ze nie moge
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I'm afraid I can't
przepraszam, to moja wina
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I'm sorry. it's all my fault
nie przejmuj sie
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don’t worry about it
dziekuje za pomoc
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Thank you for your help
nie ma za co
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you're welcome
cala przyjemnosc po mojej stronie
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it’s my pleasure

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