Rola z religii

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Oh mój kochany, noc jest taka zimna a nasz syn nie ma ubrania,
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Oh my dear, the night is so cold and our son hasn't got clothes, the stable is poor but the animals are friendly. My little baby, sleep in heavenly peace. I can see people coming, who are they?
o mój kochany
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oh my dear
noc jest taka zimna
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the night is so cold
nasz syn
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our son
nasz syn nie ma ubrania
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our son hasn't got clothes
a nasz syn
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and our son
stajnia jest biedna
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the stable is poor
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ale zwierzęta są przyjazne
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but the animals are friendly
moje małe kochanie
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my little baby
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w niebiańskim spokoju
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in heavenly peace
śpij w niebiańskim spokoju
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sleep in heavenly peace
widzę / ja widzę
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I can see
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przychodzący ludzie
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people coming
widzę przychodzących ludzi
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I can see people coming
oni są
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They are
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kto ty jesteś
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Who are you
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oni są
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They are
kim oni są?
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who are they?

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