Rodzaje złamań

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Złamanie patologiczne
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Pathological fracture
caused by an underlying disease which has weakened the bones
Złamanie Collesa
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Colles' fracture
a break in the radius, caused by a fall onto the outstretched hand
Złamanie mnogie
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Multiple fracture
more than one break in the same bone
złamanie zupełne
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complete fracture
the bone is broken completely
złamanie otwarte
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open fracture/compound fracture
broken bone breaks through the skin and is visible on the surface
złamanie poprzeczne
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transverse fracture
the bone is broken straight across
złamanie skośne
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oblique fracture
the bone is broken at an angle
złamanie skrętowe (spiralne)
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spiral fracture
fracture going round and down the length of the bone
złamanie wewnątrzstawowe
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intra-articular fracture
fracture which involves the bones of the joint
Złamanie wieloodłamowe
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Comminuted fracture
the bone is broken into many pieces
Złamanie niezupełne
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Incomplete fracture (greenstick)
a partial crack and a bend in the bone
greenstick - typu zielonej gałązki
złamanie kompresyjne
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compression fracture
due to hyperflexion of the spine, usually in the lumbar region
złamanie zewnątrzstawowe
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extra-articular fracture
fracture near a joint but not involving the bones which form it
złamanie z przemieszczenien
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displaced fracture
the fractured bone or bones are not properly aligned

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