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You can't say no to a second helping at my grandma's. I did it once and ended up on a stretcher
przenieść, wyrażać (emocje) commencer à apprendre
Please convey our condolences to the family
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If it is a genuine Michelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions
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nie klasc sie spac do pozna commencer à apprendre
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relating to a person's own country domestic airlines/flights
odwołać się, wezwać(bogów), błagać, zakląć commencer à apprendre
Police can invoke the law to regulate access to these places, their sacred dance is performed to invoke ancient gods
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It takes awhile to accustom yourself to working at night
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an opinion expressed in an argument It is her contention that exercise is more important than diet if you want to lose weight.
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Do not drag me to the sewage you wallow in
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a hippopotamus wallowing in mud
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stealthy footsteps, The cat's movements were chillingly stealthy as it stalked its prey
ostateczny, rozstrzygający commencer à apprendre
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unbirdled, uncontrollable