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Aunt Rita (zawsze zapomina o) my birthday! It's so upsetting commencer à apprendre
My grandpa (nauczył mnie) a bike when I was six commencer à apprendre
office workes (przestali używać) fax machines many years ago commencer à apprendre
(czy pamiętałeś żeby odrobić) your homework? commencer à apprendre
how often (twoja siostra sprząta) her room? commencer à apprendre
(nigdy nie próbowałem) parachute jumping commencer à apprendre
be careful- the roads are wet, so it will be slippery. It (pada) for the last five hours commencer à apprendre
I can't go out tonight. I (wciąż nie skończyłem pisać) my essay commencer à apprendre
still haven't finished writing
my neighbour (śpiewa tę piosenkę) since 6.00 a.m.! I've had enough of it commencer à apprendre
(czy miałeś jakieś) pets when you were a child? commencer à apprendre
My cousins (grali w gry komputerowe) when I visited them on Sunday morning commencer à apprendre
were playing computer games
(gdzie pojechaliście) skiing last winter? commencer à apprendre
(co sobie zwykle wyobrażasz) when you are meditating? commencer à apprendre
what do you usually imagine
I wasn't really stressed about yesterday's geography test because I (uczyłem się do niego) beforehand commencer à apprendre
have been learning for it
what (dzieje się na końcu) of this TV series? commencer à apprendre
Ann (prawdopodobnie będzie mogła) to help you with your biology assignment commencer à apprendre
will probably be able (to)
Christopher (skończy) his workout by 5.00 p.m., so you can come and visit him anytime after that commencer à apprendre
considering how much time Julia spends playing the violin, I feel that, one day, she is (zostanie najlepszą) violinist in the country commencer à apprendre
Trains to Manchester (nie odjeżdżają często), so you should hurry if you want to catch the one at 7.00 p.m commencer à apprendre
you look exhausted, so I think I (ugotuje dziś obiad) commencer à apprendre
(większość badań) has already been done commencer à apprendre
(żaden z uczniów) has read the set books required for the course commencer à apprendre
(jest bardzo mało) petrol in the tank. I think we should stop and fill up commencer à apprendre
(zanim mama wróci) home I will have cleaned the house from top to bottom commencer à apprendre
I don't need a lot of friends on social media - I believe it's better to have (kilku dobrych) in real life commencer à apprendre
we don't often talk to (ludźmi którzy mieszkają na dole). commencer à apprendre
the people who live downstairs
is this the song (o której mi mówiłaś)? commencer à apprendre
our teacher doesn't always give us enough time to write tests, (co jest niesprawiedliwe), in my opinion commencer à apprendre
Buckingham Palace, (gdzie mieszka królowa), is a popular tourist attraction commencer à apprendre
I will never understand (dlaczego ludzie kupują tak dużo) food every Saturday commencer à apprendre
the photograoher told (wszystkim, żeby się nie ruszali), but to relax and smile commencer à apprendre
Paula said that (nie może pojechać) with us on the trip to Madrid commencer à apprendre
a man in the street asked me (która jest godzina) commencer à apprendre
I didn't expect that my sister (skończy esej) on time commencer à apprendre
the doctor (powiedział, że powinienem ćwiczyć) at least three times a week commencer à apprendre
said that I should workuot
most of my classmates (mieszkają dalej) from school than I do commencer à apprendre
it was (jeden z najnudniejszych) films that I have ever seen commencer à apprendre
in my opinion, volleyball (jest znacznie bardziej ekscytująca) than basketball commencer à apprendre