Repetytorium Macmillan Kultura -Art and Culture

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acting aktorstwo
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gra aktorska
actor aktor
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actor actor
actress   aktorka
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actress actress
author  autor
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author author
band / group zespół/grupa
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band / group band / group
brush pędzel
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brush brush
cast obsada
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cast cast
cinema  kino
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cinema cinema
classical klasyczny
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classical classic
concert  koncert
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concert concert
dancer  tancerz
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dancer dancer
design  projektować
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director reżyser
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director director
draw  rysować
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draw draw
drawing rysunek
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drawing drawing
(fashion) designer projektant (mody)
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(fashion) designer designer (fashion)
illustrations ilustracje
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illustrations illustrations
instrument instrument
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instrument instrument
lead actor główny (pierwszoplanowy) aktor
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lead actor the main (foregrounding) actor
main character główny bohater
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main character main character
musician muzyk
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musician musician
novel powieść
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novel novel
orchestra orkiestra
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orchestra orchestra
paint malować
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paint paint
painter malarz
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painter painter
painting obraz
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painting a picture
perform występować
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perform perform
photography fotografia
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photography photography
plot fabuła
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plot plot
poem wiersz
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poem poem
poet poeta
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poet poet
pop pop (rodzaj muzyki)
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pop pop (type of music)
portrait portret
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portrait portrait
put on wystawiać (sztukę
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science fiction science fiction
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science fiction science fiction
short story opowiadanie
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short story short story
sing śpiewać
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sing sing
sketch szkic
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sketch sketch
song piosenka
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song song
soundtrack ścieżka dźwiękowa
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soundtrack soundtrack
stage scena (np. w teatrze)
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stage scene (e.g. in the theater)
tune melodia
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tune melody
write pisać
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write write
writer pisarz
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writer writer

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