Repetytorium 6: In a dry cleaner's EN/PL

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to have a dress dry-cleaned
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oddać sukienkę do prania chemicznego
stubborn stain
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uporczywa plama
to get a stain out
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usunąć plamę
to remove the buttons
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odpruć guziki
to guarantee
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express service
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ekspresowa usługa
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to iron
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to shrink
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skurczyć się
to sign
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podpisać / podpisywać
to go to the dry-cleaner's
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iść do pralni chemicznej
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to stain
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to blot
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zaplamić atramentem
to soil
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zabrudzić ziemią
to smear
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greasy stain
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tłusta plama
oily stain
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tłusta plama
to clean thoroughly
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dokładnie wyczyścić

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