regulations and authority

 0    20 fiche    katarzynadrozdowska
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question American English réponse American English
pass new laws
commencer à apprendre
also brought in
commencer à apprendre
standarise procedure
commencer à apprendre
standarise procedure
przestrzegać standardów
commencer à apprendre
adhere to standards
przestrzegać prawa
commencer à apprendre
comply with law
być zobligowanym
commencer à apprendre
have an obligation
an exercise to identify and assess risks
commencer à apprendre
to carry out a risk assessment
formal, breaking the law
commencer à apprendre
be in breach of the law
zminimalizować niebezpieczeństwo
commencer à apprendre
minimise danger
zadowolić wymagania xd
commencer à apprendre
satisfy requirements
NOT very essential
commencer à apprendre
absolutely essential
ask for permission
commencer à apprendre
seek permission
given permission
commencer à apprendre
to be granted permission
receive permission
commencer à apprendre
obtain permission
made the rules tougher
commencer à apprendre
tightened controls
break the rules
commencer à apprendre
infringe the regulations
used as an insult to officials, suggesting that they lack character
commencer à apprendre
faceless bureaucrats
using that authority
commencer à apprendre
exercising authority
deal quickly and effectively with bureaucratic procedures
commencer à apprendre
cut through the red tape
intentionally break the rules
commencer à apprendre
flout the rules

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