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to spoil the appearance that something naturally has commencer à apprendre
He could see the disfigurement of the anger in her face.
a piece of underwear that fits tightly around the middle part of the body, worn for support and to make the waist appear smaller, especially by women in the past commencer à apprendre
a covering of artificial hair worn on the head to hide a loss of hair or to cover your own hair commencer à apprendre
very effective or surprising, or difficult to believe commencer à apprendre
a small line in the skin caused by old age commencer à apprendre
a powder or cream that is put on the cheeks to make them look pink commencer à apprendre
a type of make-up that is spread over the skin of the face, usually before other make-up is put on, giving it a better and more even colour and hiding unwanted marks commencer à apprendre
any medical operation that is intended to improve a person's appearance rather than their health commencer à apprendre
someone involved in a skilled job or activity commencer à apprendre
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certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented nieunikniony, nieuchronny commencer à apprendre
a part of your body that has become bigger because of illness or injury commencer à apprendre
an area of skin around the eye that has gone dark because it has been hit commencer à apprendre
a person who has captured a person or animal and refuses to release them commencer à apprendre
an offer (often competitive) to set a price tag by an individual or business for a product or service or a demand that something be done commencer à apprendre
to admit that you have done something wrong or something that you feel guilty or bad about commencer à apprendre
a feeling of worry or unhappiness that you have because you have done something wrong, such as causing harm to another person commencer à apprendre
to have an angry disagreement with someone sprzeczać się, kłócić się commencer à apprendre
a reason that you give to explain why you did something wrong commencer à apprendre
happening because of good luck commencer à apprendre
an object, such as a tool, that was made in the past commencer à apprendre
a joke that makes someone seem silly and involves a physical action rather than words commencer à apprendre
She glued her boss's cup and saucer together as a practical joke.
physical harm or damage to someone's body caused by an accident or an attack commencer à apprendre
a mistake, especially something for which you are to blame commencer à apprendre
having little value or importance commencer à apprendre
to cause a weapon to shoot bullets, arrows, or missiles commencer à apprendre
a number or letter that shows how good someone's work or performance is commencer à apprendre
a manager of an organization, company, college, etc. commencer à apprendre
made or done by someone whose name is not known or not made public commencer à apprendre
an amount of money that a customer with a bank account is temporarily allowed to owe to the bank, or the agreement that allows this przekroczenie stanu konta, debet commencer à apprendre
making someone feel worried, unhappy, or angry commencer à apprendre
an action that is intended to deceive, either as a way of cheating someone, or as a joke or form of entertainment commencer à apprendre
something that makes you feel confused because it is difficult to understand commencer à apprendre
a coat that protects the wearer against rain commencer à apprendre
to arrive or appear somewhere, usually unexpectedly or in a way that was not planned commencer à apprendre
able to use two languages equally well commencer à apprendre
to recognize how good someone or something is and to value them or it commencer à apprendre
to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe commencer à apprendre
very great sadness, especially at the death of someone commencer à apprendre
the action of keeping the truth hidden, especially to get an advantage oszustwo, nieuczciwość, kłamliwość commencer à apprendre
having formally agreed to marry commencer à apprendre
to sit or lie in a position with your arms and legs close to your body commencer à apprendre
The cat was curled up on a big armchair.
happening or existing before something or someone else commencer à apprendre
to delay doing something or to arrange to do something at a later time or date, especially because there is a problem or you do not want to do it now commencer à apprendre
The man put off his hat and sat down.
something you cannot understand because you do not know the reason for it commencer à apprendre
something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or interesting commencer à apprendre
phenomena (rodzaj żeński)
a shape or pattern cut into wood or stone or the skill of doing this commencer à apprendre
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to discover the meaning of something written badly or in a difficult or hidden way commencer à apprendre
Can you decipher the writing on this envelope?
when you are uncertain about something pełen wątpliwości, niepewny commencer à apprendre
the quality of being exact commencer à apprendre
in or coming from a place outside the planet Earth commencer à apprendre
the pattern of curved lines on the end of a finger or thumb that is different in every person, or a mark left by this pattern commencer à apprendre
facts, information, documents, etc. that give reason to believe that something is true commencer à apprendre
a small, metal object that is shot from a gun commencer à apprendre
secret or private, often in a formal, business, or military situation commencer à apprendre
to see something happen, especially an accident or crime commencer à apprendre
a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident commencer à apprendre
one of the different foods that a particular type of food is made from commencer à apprendre
a small, round piece of metal, usually silver or copper coloured, that is used as money commencer à apprendre
when you admire or respect something, usually because it is special, important, or very large commencer à apprendre
the hearing of statements and showing of objects, etc. in a law court to judge if a person is guilty of a crime or to decide a case or a legal matter commencer à apprendre
the act of leaving the armed forces without permission commencer à apprendre
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at an angle of 90° to a horizontal line or surface commencer à apprendre
of or relating to the moon commencer à apprendre
a temporary structure put across a road to stop traffic commencer à apprendre
an argument that has existed for a long time between two people or groups, causing a lot of anger and sometimes violence commencer à apprendre
a very deep, narrow opening in rock, ice, or the ground przepaść, szczelina, odchłań commencer à apprendre
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to move a bar or handle around a fixed point, so that one end of it can be pushed or pulled in order to control the operation of a machine or move a heavy or stiff object commencer à apprendre
large, loose broken stones on the side of a mountain, or an area covered with stones like this commencer à apprendre
to practise a play, a piece of music, etc. in order to prepare it for public performance commencer à apprendre
not near enough to hear what someone is saying poza zasięgiem (słuchu, głosu) commencer à apprendre
to appear to be about to fall while moving or standing commencer à apprendre
in a way that is likely to fall, be damaged, fail, etc.; hazardously, dangerously, alarmingly commencer à apprendre
moving in a twisting, curving, or indirect way, or having many curves commencer à apprendre
a sudden large or too large amount, especially one that seems to be uncontrolled commencer à apprendre
physical stuctures or devices that are designed to protect people, vehicles, or property from potential harm or accidents commencer à apprendre
someone who behaves in a silly or dangerous way commencer à apprendre
someone who physically resembles the famous American musician Steve Wonder commencer à apprendre
(of bells) to make a clear ringing sound commencer à apprendre
the part of a car that contains some of the controls used for driving and the devices for measuring speed and distance commencer à apprendre
in a way that does not happen regularly or continuously; in a way that stops and starts repeatedly or with periods in between commencer à apprendre
extremely attractive or exciting oszałamiający, imponujący, olśniewający commencer à apprendre
a man who takes care of a large group of animals of the same type commencer à apprendre
spread across a large area commencer à apprendre
a thin, U-shaped metal pin that is used to hold part of the hair in a suitable position commencer à apprendre
to put pieces of food, especially meat, on a skewer or other long pointed object commencer à apprendre
to close with great force commencer à apprendre
the pedal (= a part that you push with your foot) in a vehicle that makes it go faster commencer à apprendre
to take responsibility for something, especially when it involves a mistake, fault, or wrong doing commencer à apprendre
(of amounts or numbers) very small or not enough commencer à apprendre
to advertise something with a particular description; to describe someone in a particular way in order to advertise them or make them known commencer à apprendre
a historic network of trade routes that connected East Asia (mainly China) to Europe and parts of Middle East commencer à apprendre
unfriendly and not liking something commencer à apprendre
a man who belongs to a tribe commencer à apprendre
a situation where a person, family, or community is only able to produce or earn just enough resources to meet their most basic needs for survival, such as food, shelter, and clothing commencer à apprendre
making you feel frightened or nervous commencer à apprendre
a river where the water is heated to such an extreme temperature that it is close to boiling or actually boiling, creating steam and hot water that may cause burns or be dangerous for those who enter it commencer à apprendre
extremely beautiful or attractive commencer à apprendre
reflecting a gentle light that seems to move slightly commencer à apprendre
the most successful or admired part of a system or achievement commencer à apprendre
a deep, narrow valley with steep sides, usually formed by a river or stream cutting through hard rock commencer à apprendre
a land that can produce a large number of good quality crops commencer à apprendre
a tall plant grown in many parts of the world for its yellow seeds, which are eaten as food, made into flour, or fed to animals commencer à apprendre
a person, especially in the past, who owned or was in charge of a mill commencer à apprendre
a small, round, soft fruit with a pale orange, furry skin commencer à apprendre
a round fruit with sweet yellow flesh that has a lot of juice, a slightly furry red and yellow skin, and a large seed in its centre commencer à apprendre
able to be seen or understood commencer à apprendre
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in a way that is strange and not what most people would expect or enjoy commencer à apprendre
a large area of flat land commencer à apprendre
a field planted with rice growing in water commencer à apprendre
a tropical plant from whose tall thick stems sugar can be produced commencer à apprendre
a strong, powerful, and distinctive smell or fragrance that is easily detectable commencer à apprendre
when your eyes are red or pink on the white parts commencer à apprendre
showing external signs of being sick commencer à apprendre
a person who is dull and unpleseant to be around commencer à apprendre
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in disagreement, arguing (for a long time) commencer à apprendre
trying too hard to please somebody commencer à apprendre
used to say that somebody suddenly feels sad or depressed about something commencer à apprendre
the study of signs and symbols and of their meaning and use semiotyka (dział językoznawstwa) commencer à apprendre
to avoid work because of laziness uchylać się od obowiązków commencer à apprendre
wziąć pod poprawkę na, wziąć coś pod uwagę commencer à apprendre
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wpływać na, sterować kimś commencer à apprendre
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It’s better to have one thing, than dream about having many others. Lepszy wróbel w garści niż gołąb na dachu. commencer à apprendre
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Get things done while the time is right. commencer à apprendre
Make hay while the sun shines.
Once one things goes wrong, everything does. Nieszczęścia chodzą parami. commencer à apprendre
It never rains, but it pours.
Take prompt action before a problem gets worse. Szew w porę, oszczędza dziewięć szwów później. commencer à apprendre
A stitch in time saves nine.
a covering that is put over an electric light in order to make it less bright commencer à apprendre