Real Fake Cakes

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question réponse
oszukać kogoś
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to fool sb
She fooled them.
zamienić coś w coś
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to turn sth into sth
prawdziwe przedmioty
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real life objects
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robić ciasto
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to make a cake
never say: do a cake
Miałam dużo czasu.
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I had a lot of time on my hands.
znaleźć inspirację
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to find inspiration
to find - found - found
puszka tuńczyka
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a can of tuna
szczotka dowłosów
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a hairbrush
przykuć czyjś wzrok / zainteresować kogoś
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to catch sb's eye
If something catches myeye, I'll just go with it.
to catch - caught - caught
obejmować coś
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to include sth
The bill includes tax and service. (NiV)
zacząć coś od nowa
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to start all over
To jest najlepsza rzecz, jaką kiedykolwiek zrobiłam.
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It's the best thing I've ever made.
trol internetowy
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internet troll
Forget the haters - they're just jealous. (NiV)
media społecznościowe
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social media
problemy z zaufaniem
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trust issues

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