reading 2.2 english class a1+ unit 2

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question réponse
1. Are there strawberries?
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1. Czy są jakieś truskawki?
2. It's Elena"s birthday today.
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2. Dziś są urodziny Eleny.
3. today
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3. dzisiaj
4. Let's make a chocolate cake for her
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4. Zróbmy dla niej ciasto czekoladowe
5. Let's make
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5. Zróbmy
6. Good idea!
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6. Dobry pomysł!
7. Here'sa recipe (resepi)
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7. Oto przepis
8. Is there any flour in the cupboard?
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8. Czy w szafce jest jakaś mąka?
9. Yes, there is
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9. Tak, jest
10. We need some butter
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10. Potrzebujemy masła
11 and some sugar
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11 i trochę cukru
12. No problem
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12. Nie ma problemu!
13. Are there any eggs?
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13. Czy są jakieś jajka?
14. Yes, there are and there's some milk in the fridge
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14. Tak, są i jest trochę mleka w lodówce
15. but there isn't any chocolate
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15. ale nie ma żadnej czekolady
16. Are there any strawberries?
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16. Czy są jakieś truskawki?
17. No, there aren't any strawberries
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17. Nie, nie ma żadnych truskawek
18. but I've got some sausages
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18. ale mam kilka kiełbasek
19. A sausage cake?
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19. Ciasto z kiełbaskami?
20. Cool!
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20. Fajnie!
21. and two lemons
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21. i dwie cytryny
22. What about a lemon cake?
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22. A co powiesz na ciasto cytrynowe?
23. First
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23. Najpierw
24. turn on the oven
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24. włącz piekarnik
25. That's not a cake. It's a pancake
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25. To nie jest ciasto. To naleśnik
26. But we can decorate it
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26. Ale możemy to udekorować
27. Let's use these biscuits!
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27. Użyjmy tych ciastek!
28. Wait!
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28. Czekaj!
29. That's Elena
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29. To Elena
30. What a disaster! (dizaster)
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30Ale katastrofa!

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