Raimond 7th Nov (45 min)

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Musiałem zrestartować komputer.
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I had to restart my computer.
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to sleep - slept - slept
Nic nie robiłem.
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I did nothing. / I didn't do anything.
carry on
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Wczoraj zrobiłem dużo.
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Yesterday I did a lot.
Nic nie wypiłem.
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I drank nothing. / I didn't drink anything.
Nic nie jadłem.
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I ate nothing. / I didn't eat anything.
nic nie szkodzi
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no worries
nie martw się
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don't worry
Zadzwonię do ciebie o piątej.
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I'll call you AT 5 (o'clock).
O której obudziłeś się?
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What time did you wake up?
O której poszedłeś spać?
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What time did you go to sleep?
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iść na spacer
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to go FOR a walk
We are going FOR a long walk.
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to have a walk
Jego urodziny były w minioną sobotę.
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It was his birthday last Saturday.
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Kupiliśmy samochód.
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We bought / got a car.
Co kupiliście dla niego?
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What DID you buy / get for him?

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