Raimond 7th Dec (45 min)

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question réponse
Przepraszam za spóźnienie.
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I'm sorry I'm late. / I'm sorry for being late.
Nienawidzę poniedziałków
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I hate Mondays.
Bolało mnie gardło.
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I had A sore throat.
Boli mnie ząb
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I have a toothache.
Biorę prysznic.
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I'm having a shower.
kąpać się
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to have a bath
She is having a bath now.
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an answer
odpowiedzieć na czyjeś pytanie
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to answer sb's question
odpowiadać na czyjeś pytanie / na e-mail sb
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to reply to sb's question / to sb's email
Don't forget to reply to her email, please.
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brać lekarstwa
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to take medicine
być na zwolnieniu lekarskim
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to be on sick leave
I'm on sick leave till Monday.
Postanowił uprawiać sport.
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He decided to do sport.
zostać w domu
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to stay at home
w weekend
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on the weekend
w następny weekend
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next weekend
Codziennie ona wstaje wcześnie,
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Everyday she gets up early.
to jest samochód mojej żony
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this is my wife's car
daj mi to
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give it to me
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an accomplishment
być dumnym z kogoś
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to be proud of sb
Jestem dumny z mojego syna.
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I'm proud of my son.
lata temu / wieki temu
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ages ago
I saw this film ages ago.

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