Raimond 6th Sept (45 min)

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question réponse
nie do końca / nie zupełnie
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not exactly
Nie spałem dobrze.
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I didn't sleep well.
Mam dużo pracy.
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I have a lot of work.
Ona ma dużo pracy.
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She has a lot of work.
On ma dwa pytania.
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He has two questions.
Musiałem pomóc mojemu przyjacielowi.
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I had to help my friend.
Chcę ci pomóc.
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I want to help you.
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kitchen furniture
To jest wkurzające. Przestań.
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It's annoying. Stop it.
W tym tygodniu jestem bardzo zajęty w pracy.
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This week I'm very busy at work.
Nie mogę teraz rozmawiać. Jestem zajęty.
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I can't talk now. I'm busy.
Nie mogłem mieć wczoraj lekcji, bo miałem dużo pracy.
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I couldn't have a class yesterday because I had a lot of work.
To jest niesprawiedliwe.
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It's unfair.
Nie mogłem ci pomóc wczoraj, ale mogę dzisiaj.
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I couldn't help you yesterday but I can today.
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a festival
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a stage
There were more than 50 people on stage.
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an event
an event
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This year's Olympic Games will be the biggest ever sporting event.
na Starym Mieście
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in the Old Town
wieczór kawalerski
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a bachelor party
wieczór panieński
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a hen party
Były tysiące ludzi na Starym Mieście w sobotę.
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There WERE thousands of people IN the Old Town ON Saturday.
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a storm
Nie jestem pewien jak to powiedzieć po angielsku.
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I'm not sure how to say it in English.
Skoczyliśmy na bungee.
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We bungee jumped.
Skoczyłem na bungee dwa razy.
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I bungee jumped twice.
Oni stchórzyli.
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They chickened out.
To było straszne.
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It was scary.
Bałem się.
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I was scared.
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Skoczyłbym ze spadochronem.
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I would jump with a parachute.
Nigdy nie skoczyłbym ze spadochronem.
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I would never jump with a parachute.
Nic nie przychodzi mi do głowy.
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Nothing comes to mind.
Nigdy nie zdradziłbym mojej żony.
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I would never cheat on my wife.
Nigdy nie okłamałbym Evy.
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I would never lie to Eva.
Gdybym miał dużo pieniędzy, podróżowałbym dookoła świata.
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If I had a lot of money, I would travel around the world.
Idę do pracy. (teraz)
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I'm going to work.
Ona nauczyła się pływać, gdy miała 50 lat.
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She learnt to swim when she was 50.
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fat / big
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to lose weight
I want to lose weight.
Ona pojechała na basen.
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She went to the pool.
również / też
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otyły / z nadwagą
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sto procent
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Czy jesteś pewien?
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Are you sure?
Are you 100% sure?
Jestem na sto procent pewien.
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I'm 100% sure.

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