Raimond 5th April

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question réponse
Postanowiłem nie dzielić się swoimi przemyśleniami.
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I decided NOT to share my thoughts.
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to avoid - avoided - avoided
spróbować zrobić coś
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to try TO!!! do sth
Staraj się unikać tego błędu.
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Try to avoid this mistake.
Pospiesz się!
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Hurry up!
Spróbuj zrobić to jak najszybciej.
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Try to do it ASAP.
On zadał jej kilka pytań.
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He asked her a few questions.
zadać komuś pytanie
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to ask SB a question
Ile pytań on ci zadał?
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How many questions did he ask you?
Ile pytań on ci zadał?
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How MANY questions DID he ask YOU?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
Ile czasu spałeś minionej nocy?
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How much time did you sleep last night?
Ile mleka wypiłeś wczoraj?
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How much milk did you drink yesterday?
Ile on miał pytań?
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How many questions did he have?
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NEVER: peopleS
jeden z nich
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one of them
dziesięć z nich
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ten of them
Jego odpowiedzi były prawidłowe.
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His answers were correct.
Dobrze spałaś?
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Did you sleep well?
Spałem dobrze.
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I slept well.
Miałem dobrą noc.
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I had a good night.
Jak poszło?
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How did it go?
Jak poszło?
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How did it go?
Poszło nieźle.
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It went well.
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teens / teenagers
W filmiku było trzech nastolatków.
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There were three teens in the video.
Co oznacza WWW?
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What does WWW stand for?
WWW standS for world wide web.
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an abbreviation
USA oznacza Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki.
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USA stands for United States of America.
Kto namalował Mona Lisę?
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Who paiNted the Mona Lisa?
Kto napisał tę książkę?
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Who wrote this book?
Kto pościelił moje łóżko?
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Who made my bed?
to make one's bed
Czy potrafisz wymienić / nazwać 5 krajów w Europie?
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Can you NAME 5 countries in Europe?
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Jaka jest stolica Niemiec?
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What's the capital of Germany?
Jaki jest największy stan w USA?
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What's the biggest state in the USA?

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