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to look for sb / to search for sb
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kuchnia (japońska, polska) commencer à apprendre
What's yourfavourite cuisine?
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to drive - drove - driven
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We found a little kitten in the basement.
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Bilety kupiliśmy z dużym wyprzedzeniem. commencer à apprendre
We bought our tickets well in advance.
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- Dokąd jedziesz? - Jedziemy do Berlina. commencer à apprendre
- What's your destination? - We're going to Berlin.
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balon na rozgrzane powietrze commencer à apprendre
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I'm scared OF flying. / I'm afraid OF flying.
Nasze zajęcia trwają 45 minut. commencer à apprendre
Our classes last 45 minutes.
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The flight lastED more than an hour.
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to land - landed - landed
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Boję się popełniać błędy. commencer à apprendre
I'm afraid of making mistakes.
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