Raimond 1st Sept

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osoba, która lubi kawę
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A coffee person
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A man
Co się stało?
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What's the matter?
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to breathe
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Muszę przejść operację.
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I have to undergo surgery.
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a surgeon
na początku października
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at the beginning of October
czekać na coś
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to wait FOR sth
Czekam na żonę.
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I'm waiting for my wife.
Na co czekasz?
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What are you waiting for?
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an answer
Jestem na zwolnieniu lekarskim.
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I'm on sick leave.
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damn it
Nie przeklinam.
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I don't swear.
Zacząłem to czuć zimą.
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I started feelING that in winter.
mieć wizytę u lekarza
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to see a doctor / to have an appointment with a doctor
umówić się na wizytę z lekarzem
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to make an appointment with a doctor
Zacząłem uczyć 10 lat temu.
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I started teaching 10 years ago.
Rok temu zacząłem uczyć się angielskiego online.
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I started learning English online a year ago.
Kiedy zaczęłaś uczyć języka angielskiego?
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When did you start teaching English?
Przyszło do nas kilku przyjaciół.
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We had a few friends over. / A few friends came over.
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a burger
gry karciane
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card games
We played card games.
Nic nie robiliśmy.
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We did nothing.
Spotkaliśmy się z naszymi przyjaciółmi.
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We met up with our friends.
w minioną niedzielę
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last Sunday
Ona nic nie powiedziała.
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She didn't say anything.
bać się czegoś
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to be scared OF sth
She's scared of mice.
Jak długo trwał lot?
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How long was the flight?
Lot trwał 30 minut.
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The flight was 30 minutes.
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low buildings/ low prices
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a licence
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the Old Town
Poszliśmy na spacer.
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We had a walk. / We went for a walk.
Było wielu ludzi.
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There were many people.

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