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wspolczyc komus
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empathise with sb
klocic sie
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fall out with sb
dać komuś komplement
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give sb a compliment
zawieść kogoś
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let sb down
stracić cierpliwość / nerwy
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lose your temper
wyśmiewać się z kogoś/czegoś
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make fun od sb/sth
pogodzic sie
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make up with sb
znosić kogoś
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put up with sb/ sth
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talk behind sb’s back
być rozjemcą
to help another people resolre an argument
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be the peacemaker
wyolbrzymiać cos
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blow things out of propotion
wybuchnac placzem
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burst into tears
krytykowac kogos
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have a go at sb
robić wokol kogos duzo halasu
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make a fuss of sb
wyglupiac sie
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mess about
popisywać się
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show off
upominac kogos
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tell sb off
draznic sie z kims
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wind sb up

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