pytania str bierna

 0    43 fiche    justynapaluchowska
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question réponse
przez kogo została napisana ta książka?
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who was this book written by?
do jakiego miasta jedziemy?
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which city are we going to?
od kogo jest ten e-mail?
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who is this email from?
przed kim się ukrywasz?
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who are you hiding from?
od kogo dostałeś te perfumy?
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who did you get this perfume from?
czym ona jest taka podekscytowana?
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what is she so excited about?
w czym jesteś dobry?
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what are you good at?
na kogo skarżyłeś się?
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who did you complain about?
przeciw komu głosowałeś?
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who did you vote against?
na kogo głosowałeś?
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who did you vote for?
o czym śniełeś?
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what did you dream about?
do kogo poszedłeś?
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who did you go to?
Skąd to jest?
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where is it from?
kto był reżyserem tego filmu?
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who was this movie directed by?
W której restauracji powinniśmy zjeść?
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which restaurant should we eat at?
o czym myślisz?
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what are you thinking about?
nad czym pracujesz
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what are you working on?
work on sth - pracować nad czymś
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work on sth - pracować nad czymś
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a stem
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a trunk
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a branch
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a drought
trzęsienie ziemi
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an earthquake
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a hurricane
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a flood
z kim on jest?
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who is he with?
Skąd oni są?
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where are they from?
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a root
z kim wychodzisz?
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who are you going out with?
o co prosisz?
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what are you asking for?
Z kim rozmawiasz?
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who are you talking to?
o czym mówisz?
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what are you talking about?
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a lightning
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a waterfall
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a desert
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a thunder
Kogo szukasz?
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who are you looking for?
czego szukasz?
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what are you looking for?
na co patrzysz?
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what are you looking at?
od kogo to jest
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who is it from?
co jest na stole?
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whais there on the table?
ile to kosztuje?
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how much does it cost?
ile to kosztuje?
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how much is this?

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