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question réponse
Jak masz na imię?
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What is your name?
jaka jest pogoda?
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What is the weather like?
Czym się interesujesz?
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What are you interested in?
Co masz na myśli?
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What do you mean?
Która godzina?
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What time is it?
Co robiłeś wczoraj?
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What did you do yesterday?
Gdzie mieszkasz?
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Where do you live?
Skąd jesteś?
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Where are you from?
Where do you come from?
Jak się masz?
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How are you?
Ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
Co to znaczy?
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What does it mean?
jaka była pogoda?
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What was the weather like?
jak ci smakowalo?
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How did you like it?
Na co patrzysz?
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What are you looking at?
W czym jesteś dobry?
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What are you good at?
Czego się boisz?
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What are you afraid of?
Na co czekasz?
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What are you waiting for?
Z czego się śmiejesz?
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What are you laughing at?
O czym myślisz?
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What are you thinking about?
Czym się martwisz?
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What are you worried about?
Co masz na sobie?
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What are you wearing?
Na co oszczędzasz?
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What are you saving for?
Na kogo czekasz?
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Who are you waiting for?
Co chcesz, abym zrobił?
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What do you want me to do?
Na co wydajesz pieniądze?
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What do you spend money on?
W co wierzysz?
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What do you believe in?
Na co jesteś chory?
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What are you sick with?
Gdzie sie urodziłeś?
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Where were you born?
Jaka będzie pogoda?
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What will the weather be like?
Co myślicie o tym?
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What do you think about that?
Ile kosztuje bilet?
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How much is that ticket?
How much does the ticket cost?
Co cię dręczy?
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What bothers you?
Co cię wkurza?
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What pisses you off?
Co sprawia, że jesteś szczęśliwy?
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What makes you happy?
Co cie denerwuje?
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What makes you angry?
Jaki jest wynik czegoś?
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What is the result of test?
Czy potrzebujesz...?
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Do you need...?
Did you need...?
Czy kiedykolwiek...?
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Have you ever...?
Czy nigdy...?
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Have you never ...?
Jak mogłem sie tak mylić?
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How could I be so wrong?
Jak dawno temu...?
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How long ago have you ...?
Jak długo pracujesz w tej firmie?
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How long have you been working in this company?
Ile czasu to zajmie?
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How much time does it take?
Jak śmiałeś...?
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How dared you ...?
Dlaczego miałbym to zrobić?
Po co miał bym to robić?
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Why would I do that?
Jak ci sie pracuje w nowej firmie?
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How is it working in the new company?
How do you like working in the new company?
Czy lubisz to?
podoba ci się
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Do you like it?
podobam ci się?
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Do you like me?
Co to w ogóle znaczy?
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What does that even mean?
Masz chwilę?
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Do you have a moment?
O której ty ...?
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What time did you ...?
Jak byś ...?
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How would you ...?
Czy chcesz coś z tego?
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Do you want any of it?
Chcesz coś do picia?
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Would you like something to drink?
Czy chciałbyś coś zjeść?
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Would you like something to eat?
Dlaczego on to robi?
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Why does he do that?
Jaka jest dokladna natura problemu?
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What is the precise nature of the problem?
Czy istnieje możliwość podwyżki wynagrodzenia?
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Is there a possibility for a salary increase?
Co zamierzasz zrobić?
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What are you going to do?
Czy wiesz, o co mnie prosisz?
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Do you know what you are asking me for?
Jak to nazywasz?
Jak mowicie na?
Jak cię nazywają, mnie nazywają. jak mnie nazwałeś.
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What do you call it?
What do they call you? What do they call me? What did you call me?
Czy to miejsce jest wolne?
Czy mogę tutaj usiąść?
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Is this seat free?
Can I sit down here?
Hej, jak Ci mija dzień?
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Hey, how is your day going?
Co za różnica?
Jakie to ma znaczenie?
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What difference does it make?
spotkamy się tam?
spotkajmy się tam
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will we meet there?
let's meet there
do czego to służy?
Po co to jest?
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What is it for?

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