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question réponse
Skąd jesteś?
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Where are you from?
Ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
Jak masz na imię?
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What's your name?
Mam na imię
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My name is
Jestem z Polski.
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I'm from Poland.
Mam 8 lat.
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I'm 8 years old.
Ile on ma lat?
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How old is he?
Jak on ma na imię?
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What's his name?
Mieszkam w Warszawie.
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I live in Warsaw.
Jak się masz?
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How are you?
skąd on jest?
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Where is he from?
kim oni są?
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who they are?
To jest mój brat.
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This is my brother.
Gdzie jest szafa?
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Where is the wardrobe?
Jak wiele?
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How many?
Potrafisz pływać?
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Can you swim?
Tak, umiem.
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Yes I can.
Nie, nie umiem.
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No, I can not.

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