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President issued proclamation, seeking to improve vetting procedures for foreign nationals traveling to the US by identifying ongoing deficiencies in the information needed to assess whether nationals of praticular countries present a security threat.
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It identified 16 countries as having deficient information-sharing practices and presenting national security concerns,
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Plaintiffs seek to discredit the findings of the review, pointing to deviations from the review's baseline criteria resulting in the inclusion of Somalia and omission of Iraq.
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Foreign states were selected for inclusion based on a review undertaken pursuant to one of the President's earlier Executive Orders.
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It exempts lawful permanent residents and provides case-by-case waivers under certain circumstances.
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President's entry suspension violates § 1152(a)(1)(A) ignores the basic distinction between admissibility determinations and visa issuance that runs throughout the INA.
do zweryfikowania, przeglądać commencer à apprendre
This Court assumes without deciding that plaintiffs' statutory claims are reviewable.
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INA provision delegating authority to President, based on finding that their entry would be detrimental to interests of U.S., vests President with ample power to impose entry restrictions in addition to those elsewhere enumerated in INA.
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“elicit improved identity-management and information-sharing protocols.
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vests President with ample power to impose entry restrictions in addition to those elsewhere enumerated in INA.
2 wszechstronny, obszerny Przykład: The Proclamation falls well within this comprehensive delegation commencer à apprendre
The Proclamation falls well within this comprehensive delegation
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exudes deference to President in every clause
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exudes deference to President in every clause
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it entrusts to President decisions of whether and when to suspend entry, i.e., whenever President finds that entry of aliens would be detrimental to national interest,
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would be detrimental to the interests of the United States
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Searching inquiry into persuasiveness of President's justifications, for Presidential Proclamation indefinitely barring entry by nationals from six predominantly Muslim countries, would be inconsistent with broad statutory text of INA
tymczasowe zawieszenie wykonania commencer à apprendre
temporary restraining order
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Immigration and Nationality Act President fulfilled requirement, for INA provision delegating authority to President to suspend entry by aliens or classes of aliens, of finding that entry of aliens from covered countries would be detrimental to interests of U.S
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affirmed in part and vacated in part
klauzula zakazująca ustanawiania religii commencer à apprendre
the clause in the First Amendment of the US Constitution that prohibits the establishment of religion by Congress
dyskryminacja za pochodzenie commencer à apprendre
national origin discrimination INA provision prohibiting national origin discrimination in issuing immigrant visas does not constrain President's delegated authority to suspend entry by aliens or classes of aliens
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5 forcible relocation of U.S. citizens to concentration camps, solely and explicitly on basis of race, is objectively unlawful and outside the scope of Presidential authority.
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The Proclamation placed entry restriction on the nationals of eight foreign states.
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DHS Department of Homeland and Security
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Invoking his authority under 8 U.S.C. §§ 1182(f) and 1185(a),
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The Proclamation imposes a range of entry restrictions that vary based on the “distinct circumstances” in each of the eight countries.
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Chad had sufficiently improved its practices, and he accordingly lifted restrictions on its nationals.
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The District Court granted a nationwide preliminary injunction barring enforcement of the restrictions.
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The sole prerequisite set forth in § 1182(f) is that the President “find []” that the entry of the covered aliens “would be detrimental to the interests of the United States
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Przykład: środki tymczasowe commencer à apprendre
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konieczność, krytyczna sytuacja commencer à apprendre
konsularna niezaskarżalność commencer à apprendre
consular nonreviewability refers to the doctrine in immigration law in the United States where the visa decisions made by United States consular officers cannot be appealed in the United States judicial system.
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In their view, § 1182(f) confers only a residual power to temporarily halt the entry of a discrete group of aliens engaged in harmful conduct.
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confers only a residual power
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the premise that § 1182(f) does not give the President authority to countermand Congress's considered policy judgments.
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The President, they say, may supplement the INA, but he cannot supplant it.
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their understanding of the President's authority is remarkably cramped:
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umieszczone w szczelinie przyporządkowane commencer à apprendre
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The Proclamation is squarely within the scope of Presidential authority under the INA
zajadłość bigoteria fanatyzm dewocja commencer à apprendre
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Any rule of constitutional law that would inhibit the flexibility of the President to respond to changing world conditions should be adopted only with the greatest caution,
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chafed at the constraints
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patriotic feelings will surely swell swell
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prompting proud proclamations of wisdom foresight and sense of justice shared by the framers
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as "much too cumbersome, involved, and time-consuming for the crisis which was at hand."
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The Founders of this Nation were not imbued with the modern cynicism that the only thing that history teaches is that it teaches nothing.
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The accretion of dangerous power does not come in a day.
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Constitutional adjudications are apt, by exposing differences, to exacerbate them.
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Act of 1947 clearly understood that, as a result of that legislation, the only recourse for preventing a shutdown in any basic industry, after failure of mediation, was Congress.
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niezgodny niekompatybiliny commencer à apprendre
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Musimy zdefiniować nasz plan. commencer à apprendre
We need to define our blueprint.
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A sturdy judiciary should not be swayed by the unpleasantness or unpopularity of necessary executive action
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