Przymiotniki 4

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very interested and excited by something that is going to happen or about something that you want to do; showing this
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Eager crowds outside the stadium. Small eager faces looked up and listened. She is eager for her parents' approval. Everyone in the class seemed eager to learn.
1. czysty, schludny 2. staranny 3. nieduży, zgrabny 4. sprytny, pomysłowy 5. czysty, nierozcieńczony o alko
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She kept her desk extremely neat. He had a neat methodical mind. Her neat figure. A neat explanation. The film has a lot of neat tricks and clever editing. Neat whisky.
1. loved by or important to somebody - drogi 2. kosztowny
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He's one of my dearest friends. Her daughter is very dear to her. Everything's so dear now, isn't it?
mający szczęście
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Remember those less fortunate than yourselves. I was fortunate in having a good teacher.
1. niegroźny 2. nieszkodliwy, niewinny
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The bacteria is harmless to humans. It's just a bit of harmless fun.
1. łagodny - pogoda, smak, zapach, choroba, osoba itd. 2. slight
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The symptoms were mild. A mild climate. Mild irritation/amusement/disapproval. She looked at him in mild surprise. A mild curry. A mild woman, who never shouted.
1. sensacyjny - jako coś ok i nie 2. fantastyczny
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The result was a sensational 4–1 victory. The affair was the most sensational political sex scandal of the century. Sensational news stories. You look sensational in that dress!
1. przychylny, życzliwy, łaskawy 2. korzystny 3. pomyślny o wietrze
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The biography shows him in a favourable light. The performance drew a lot of favourable comments from reviewers. Their demands received a favourable response. Favourable economic conditions. They offered me a loan on very favourable terms.
1. do przytulenia 2. milusiński
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bezchmurny, pogodny
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1. radosny, pogodny 2. przytulny, nastrojowy 3. ochoczy - podejście
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You're not your usual cheerful self today. A cheerful smile/voice/face/disposition. He felt bright and cheerful and full of energy. Walls painted in cheerful colours. The animated chatter gave the room a cheerful atmosphere.
1. bystry, błyskotliwy - ktoś 2. cięty - riposta
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He was much in demand as a witty public speaker. Somebody made a witty remark about needing a forklift truck.

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