przydatne Słówka

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Little bit
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Trochę, nieco
please accept our sincere thanks
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on my own
on one's own (my, your, her, his)
i have to do this on my own
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work out
i hope your idea will work out and we'll win
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dobrze komuś wychodzić / ćwiczyć (fizycznie)
Put on weight
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Przybrać na wadze
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to have a sense of humour
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mieć poczucie humoru
to have a lot in common
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mieć wiele wspólnego
we need to talk
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musimy porozmawiać
of i were you, I would...
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Na twoim miejscu zrobiłabym
to my mind, in my opinion
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moim zdaniem, moim zdaniem
ok, let's do that
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ok, zróbmy to
i think so too
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też tak myślę
that's fine with me
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nie mam nic przeciwko temu
i See what you mean but
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rozumiem o co ci chodzi ale
i'm afraid
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przykro mi, obawiam się
i'm sure it's better to
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Jestem pewien, że lepiej
fair enough
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dobra, niech będzie (zgoda)
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nieruchomy, spokojny, niegazowany, wciąż, nadal
this is very important issue
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kwestia, sprawa
catch up
she has to catch up on homework, i'll catch you later i know this city
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nadrobić zaległości, dogonić
so, what's new
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więc co nowego
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łykać, połykać
slow down
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only Involved can stay for the meeting
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zaangażowany, zainteresowany
Be involved
i can't believe he'd be involved in anything like this
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Być zamieszanym
i suppose she will be late
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ani (jeden, ani drugi) żaden
across the country
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przez coś
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uderzenie, uderzać
by crosswalk
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przez przejście dla pieszych

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