przydatne fest

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to back off
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czy moge Ci to dac?
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can I give it to you?
gdzie moge znalezc?
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where can I find?
bardzo mi milo!
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I am very pleased!
to bardzo mile!
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that's very nice!
nie potrzebuje tego
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I don't need it
nie chce tego
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I don’t want this
czy moglbys
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Could you
mam pytanie
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I have a question
gdzie mam isc zeby
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where should I go to
dobrze to slyszec
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it's good to hear that
mam dziewietnascie lat
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I'm nineteen
mam wiele zainteresowan ale najbardziej interesuje mnie jazda na rowerze i podroze
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I have many interests but Im most interested in cycling and traveling
lubie poznawac nowych ludzi
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I like meeting new people
to interesujace, opowiesz mi o tym wiecej?
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that's interesting, can you tell me more about it?
lubie nowe doswiadczenia
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I like new experiences
moi przyjaciele nie lubia podrozy typu przetrwanie
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my friends don't like survival type trips
chcialabym podrozowac z namiotem, nocowac w lesie
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I would like to travel with a tent and spend the night in the forest
na przyklad
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for example
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I would like to
marze o
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I dream of
czy jest pralnia?
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is there a laundry?
proszek do prania, plyn do prania
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washing powder, washing liquid
co ona/on lubi
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what does she/he like
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zaczęło się nudzić
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the bored begun
robić postępy
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make progress
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chwalić się
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to brag
skołowac, skombinowac
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to rustle up
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przyznać się do
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admit to
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admire to
nie zadowalaj się niczym gorszym
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dont settle for less
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mowie powaznie
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i mean it
niespodziewanie, nagle, bez zapowiedzi
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out of the blue
wylecialo z glowy
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it slipped my mind
pojsc po rozum do glowy
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to come to one’s senses

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