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korozyjne poczucie humoru
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corrosive sense of humour
brian's corrosive sense of humour is not appreciated by many people.
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though normalny reticent, Laura vehemently voiced her objections.
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mocny, zdecydowany ton
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firm tone
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barge in
Maggie tends to barge in without knocking first.
wspierane przez
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backed by
źle widziane
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frown upon
niewiele przypominał
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bore little resemblance
the film script bore little resemblance to the novel it was based on.
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bring round
trying to bring someone round to your point of view can be formidable task.
ogromne zadanie
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formidable task
It is certainly not my intention in this review to attempt such a formidable task
zawrotne tempo
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blistering pace
Rodal made the final, which was run in a blistering pace.
szukać po omacku
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grope around
it was a dark, starless night and without a compass we were left groping around for directions.
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nużąca praca
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tedious job
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statek handlowy
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merchant vessel
Sygnał o niebezpieczeństwie
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distress signal
the coast guard received a distress signal from the ship.
przekazywać polecenia komuś
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relay orders to sb
most armies around the world use satellite technology to relay orders.
z ostrożności
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as a matter of prudence
as a matter of prudence, we have six security guards on the premises at all times.
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przyjazna atmosfera
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convivial atmosphere
daleki krewny
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distant relative
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szczerze mówiąc (mówiąc to, co myślisz i czujesz, uczciwie i bezpośrednio, bez bycia)
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forthright (saying what you think and feel honestly and directly, without being
zarozumiały / z wielką głową
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nerwowy i spięty
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edgy and tense
duże szanse na wygraną
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good chance OF winnig
James thought his team had a good chance of winning the cup.
nie mógł powstrzymać szoku
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couldn't help being shocked
penny couldn't help being shocked by little Johnny's behaviour.
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these plants can wilt in dry weather. by
jasna karnacja
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fair complexion
osiągnąć pełnoletniość
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come of age
staczając przegraną bitwę
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fighting a losing battle
stawiać trudne warunki
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to drive a hard bargain
okay, you can have it for 50 pounds, you drive a hard bargain.
pójdzie na ustepstwa
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making allowences
renber tgat you must make allowences FOR Tony, as he's been ill; he's doing his best.
oczyścić powietrze (w przenośni oczyścić atmosferę)
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cleare the air
powszechne błędne przekonanie
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common misconception
programy partnerskie
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affiliate schemes
ostra konkurencja
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fierce competition
gracz (np. w kasynie)
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