Present simple

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I have a dog. / I have got a dog. / I've got a dog.
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ja mam psa
you have a cat /you have got a cat/you've got a cat
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ty masz kota
he has, he has got, he's got an umbrella
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on ma parasol
she has, she has got, she's got a computer
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ona ma komputer
we have, we have got / we've got a new car
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my mamy nowy samochód
you have, you have got, you've got a beautiful house
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wy macie piękny dom
they have, they have got, they've got an interesting job
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oni mają ciekawą pracę
Do you have a brother?
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Czy masz brata?
Have you got a brother?
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Masz brata?
Does she have a sister?
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Czy ona ma siostrę?
Has she got a sister?
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Czy ona ma siostrę?
I don't have any pets.
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Nie mam żadnych zwierząt.
He doesn't have the time to play cards.
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Nie ma czasu na grę w karty.
I haven't got a clue
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Nie mam pojęcia
He hasn't got glasses.
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Nie ma okularów.
I do the homework
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Robię zadanie domowe
She does the homework
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Ona odrabia lekcje
Do we do the homework?
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Czy odrabiamy lekcje?
Does he do the homework?
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Czy on odrabia lekcje?
He gets up early every day.
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Wstaje wcześnie, na co dzień.
Does he get up early?
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Czy on wstaje wcześnie?
He doesn't get up early
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On nie wstaje wcześnie
You have a shower
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Bierzesz prysznic
She has a shower
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Ona bierze prysznic
We don't watch the news on TV.
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My nie oglądamy wiadomości w telewizji.
He doesn't watch television at all.
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On w ogóle nie ogląda telewizji.
I watch a film
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Oglądam film
She watches TV
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Ona ogląda telewizję
What do you do?
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Czym sie zajmujesz?
I am a nurse. I’m a nurse.
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Jestem pielęgniarką
Where do you live?
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Gdzie mieszkasz?
How old are you?
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Ile masz lat?
I am ten years old
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mam dziesięć lat
What do you want?
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Czego chcesz?
I want to know your opinion.
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Chcę poznać twoją opinię.

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