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gałęzie rosną pionowo
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branches are growing vertically
liście nie rosną na drzewie
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leaves are’t growing on the tree
słońce świeci
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the sun is shining
pada śnieg
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it's snowing
jest deszczowo (pada)
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it's rainy, it's raining
pada deszcz
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it's raining
Mery je śniadanie.
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Mery is having breakfast.
On patrzy na gwiazdy.
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He is looking at the stars.
Biorę moją torbę.
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I’m taking my bag.
Nie pracuję, odpoczywam.
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I’m not working, I’m resting.
Dokąd idziesz?
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Where are you going?
Moja siostra robi kurs jazdy.
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My sister is doing a driving course.
Pracuję jako kelnerka tego lata.
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I’m working as a waitress this summer.
Poszukujemy nowego mieszkania.
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We are looking for a new flat.
Jim pracuje nad ważnym projektem
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Jim is working on an important project
Kiedy lecisz do Paryża?
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When are you flying to Paris?
Nie pracujemy dziś wieczorem.
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We aren’t working this evening.
spotykam się jutro z przyjaciółmi
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I’m meeting my friends tomorrow
Tom bierze ślub w ten weekend
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Tom is getting married this weekend
Moi przyjaciele przyjadą do mnie w przyszłym tygodniu.
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My friends are coming to visit me next week.
Nie mogę pracować w domu. Moje dzieci ciągle mi przeszkadzają.
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I can’t work from home. My children are continually disturbing me.
co twoja córka robi na Wielkanoc?
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what is your daughter doing at easter?
Nie robi się zimniej.
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It isn't getting colder.
Zadajesz dziwne pytania
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You are asking strange questions
Ona Myśli o zakupie nowego domu
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She is thinking of buying a new house
Kto tu pracuje?
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Who is working near here?
O co prosi mnie ktoś na ulicy?
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What is somebody in the street asking me for?
Z kim mam się jutro spotkać?
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Who am I meeting tomorrow?
Gdzie się zatrzymałeś?
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Where are you staying?
Co on próbuje zrobić?
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What is he trying to do?
Co ona kupuje?
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What is she buying?
Co teraz studiujemy?
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What are we studying now?
Kiedy moja ciocia Betty wyjeżdża?
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When is my aunt Betty leaving?
W co gra Dave?
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What is Dave playing?
Kto je śniadanie?
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Who is having breakfast?
Dla kogo kupuje kwiaty?
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Who is the man buying flowers for?

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