Prepositions 2016

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question réponse
I waved to/at Karen
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zamával jsem na Karen
I went on the internet
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šel jsem na internet
over the internet
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přes internet
by design
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how do you plan on doing that
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jak to plánuješ udělat
I am in the parking lot
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jsem na parkovišti
take so at their word
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brát doslovně
compliment so on st
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lichotit někomu za něco
take offence at something
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urazit se kvůli
correspond to
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odpovídat čemu
correspond with
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být v korespondenčním styku
in the paper, in a newspaper
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v novinách
on time
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včas, punctual
in time for
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dostatečně brzy, aby
from - to, from - until
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od - do
at the end
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na konci
in the end
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nakonec (výsledek procesu)
on my birthday
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o mých narozeninách
on New Year's Day
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na nový rok
on New Year's Eve
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na silvestra
on weekdays
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o v pracovních dnech
at the weekend
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o víkendu
at the swimming pool
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v bazénu/lázních
in the swimming pool
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plavat v bazénu třeba na zahradě
you are sitting in my place
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sedíte na mém místě
go on holiday
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jet na dovolenou
go somewhere for a holiday
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jet někam na dovolenou
go on a cruise
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na výletní plavbu
go on a tour
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na turné
go on strike
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do stávky
in principle yes
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v podstatě
in a castle
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na hradě
young man to my left
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nalevo ode mne
go by the name of
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říkat si
exam in
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zkouška z
test in
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test z
get a C on the test
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dostat C na test (z testu)
I am going into town
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jdu do města
at the bank
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v bance
fill in a form at the bank
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vyplnit formulář v bance
on tough days
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v těžkých dnech
welcome to
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vítejte do (nikoli v)
what did you buy at the supermarket
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v supermarketu
go to university
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jít na univerzitu
get into a university
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dostat se na univerzitu
get on a course
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dostat se na kurz
do a course in
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dělat kurz
I didn't have time to wash
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neměl jsem čas umýt se
call police on so
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zavolat policii na někoho
pay at the machine
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platit v automatu
she teaches mathematics to young children
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učí děti matiku
he plays in goal
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hraje v bráně
st is on sale
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ve výprodeji
as part of
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jako součást
on the address
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na adrese
to the address
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na adresu
write to me at ... address
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napiš mi na adresu
in the toilet
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na záchodě
on welfare
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na podpoře
at home, at work
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doma, v práci
in an office
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v kanceláři
in your home
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ve svém domově
on PC
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v počítači
on a harddisk
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na disku
at a website, on a website
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na stránkách

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