Prepositional phrases.

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Nad jeziorem
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By a / the lake
Nad rzeką
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By a / the river
Nad morzem
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By the sea
Na ruchliwej / cichej ulicy?
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In a busy / quiet street
W mieszkaniu / domu
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In a flat / house
W cichej okolicy
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In a quiet neighbourhood
W mieście / na wsi
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In a town / village
Na wsi
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In the countryside
Na przedmieściach
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In the suburbs
Na wybrzeżu
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On the coast
Na peryferiach
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On the outskirts
Na pierwszym / drugim piętrze
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On the first / second floor
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commencer à apprendre
Get to know
Mieć dużo wspólnego
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Have got a lot in common
Zawodzić (kogoś)
commencer à apprendre
Let (sb.) down
Utrzymywać kontakty towarzyskie
commencer à apprendre

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