Prepositional phrases 1

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at all
I haven't been at all well recently. I'm afraid I have nothing at all to say.
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wcale, zupełnie nie
at all costs
at any costs
We realized we had to fight the lawsuit at any cost.
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za wszelką cenę
at college/school/university
Which university did you go to/were you at. She teaches at the University of Connecticut. I graduated from Liverpool University in 2012.
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na uczelni / szkole / uniwersytecie
at first
At first, I thought he was joking but then I realized he meant it.
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na początku, po pierwsze
at first sight
At first sight, it looked like a huge car.
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na pierwszy rzut oka, od pierwszego wejrzenia
at home
Call me at home after four o'clock.
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w domu
at large
This group is not representative of the population at large.
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w całości, na wolności
at least
It will cost at least $100. It will be £200 at the very least.
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przynajmniej, co najmniej
at midnight
There's a great film on TV at midnight.
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o północy
at most
It will cost you at most five pounds.
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co najwyżej
at night
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w nocy
at noon
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w południe
at once
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at present
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at the age of
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w wieku
at the beginning of/at first
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na początku
at the moment
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w tym momencie
at the same time
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w tym samym czasie
at the weekend
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w weekend
at work
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w pracy
by accident
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przez przypadek
by bus/car/plane/ship/taxi/train
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by chance
by accident
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by credit card
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(płatność) kartą kredytową
by far
She is by far the best student in the class.
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o wiele, zdecydowanie
by heart
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na pamięć
by mistake
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przez pomyłkę
by oneself
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przez siebie
by sight
I got to know you pretty well, and not just by sight.
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z widzenia
by surprise
commencer à apprendre
z zaskoczenia, niespodziewanie

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