Preposition - przyimki

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question réponse
by mistake
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przez pomyłkę
on my own
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na własną rękę
by chance
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by hand
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in the end
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w końcu
on purpose
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on time
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punktualnie, na czas
in a moment
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za chwilę
in a hurry
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w pośpiechu
on Monday
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w poniedziałek
at night
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w nocy
in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening
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w poranek
on New Year's Day
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na Nowy Rok
in the winter
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w zimie
in 2002
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w 2002
at weekend
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w weekend
at 12 o'clock
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o godzinie 12
on the radio
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w radio
I spoke to him on the phone
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Rozmawiałem z nim przez telefon
for walk
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na spacer
They travelled by boat
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Podróżowali statkiem
It's book by Maria Konopnicka
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Książka Marii Konopnickiej
on business
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w interesach
He is here on business
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Jest tu w interesach

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