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the influence of context on meanings
speaker meaning/intended meaning
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what the speaker means by saying something
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specific situations/circumstances with preexisting assumptions about a possible message
linguistic sign
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the words surrounding a particular word/passage within a text that provide context and help to determine meaning
physical context
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location where we accounter words or phrases (bank=place with money//bank=of a river)
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words/phrases that are used to point. 1. person deixes 2. temporal deixes. 3. spatial deixes
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act by which a speaker uses language to enable a listener to identify something. 1. by using a proper name. 2. by using someone's career or role 3. by using characteristics
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additional information used by the listener between what's said and meant (can you give me my Orwell back. -a book)
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referencing back to what was said. (Anna works in a factory. She lives in ZG)
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referencing forward. (She lives in ZG. Anna works in a factory)
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what a speaker assumes is true or known
speech acts
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an action performed by a speaker with utterance (goodbye, greetings, offending, sympathising)
direct speech acts
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when a structure is used in occurance with it's prototypical function (close the window)
indirect speech acts
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when we use a structure that is different than it's prototypical function (it's getting cold in here. aka close the window)
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showing awareness and consideration of another person's face - public self image
face threatening acts
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when you say sth that represents a threat to sb's face
face saving acts
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when you say sth that lessens the potential threat to sb's face
negative face
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the need to be independent and free of imposition
positive face
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the need to be connected, a part of the group

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